Ep 165 - Temporomandibular disorders with Dr. Susan Armijo-Olivo

Feb 25, 2025

💭The most common and disabling condition for temporomandibular disorders is chronic masticatory muscle pain’ – Dr. Susan Armijo-Olivo


Our guest, Dr. Susan Armijo-Olivo PhD, MScPT is currently a Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Germany, and teaches in the field of clinical reasoning, research methods, statistics, and systematic reviews. Dr. Armijo-Olivo is the lead of the S-TEAM (STrengthening Evidence-based Physiotherapy And Musculoskeletal care) research program. She completed her Bachelor of Sciences in physiotherapy at the Pontifical University Catholic of Chile, Chile. She performed her MScPT and a PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences from the University of Alberta, Canada. She also performed two postdoctoral fellowships: one in evidence-based practice, clinical epidemiology, and knowledge synthesis and another in musculoskeletal disorders. She is an adjunct Professor in the Faculties of Rehabilitation Medicine and Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta and is a member of the methodological committee of Cochrane Rehabilitation. Her major field of research is diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of patients with musculoskeletal pain especially orofacial pain, temporomandibular disorders, cranio-cervical disorders along with physical therapy evidence-based practice, clinical epidemiology, knowledge synthesis, and knowledge translation in health research areas.


📚You will learn about:

  • What temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are, their common causes, and symptoms.
  • How TMD is diagnosed and the role of physical therapy.
  • Common exercises and approaches used in treatment. 
  • How TMD can cause headaches, neck pain, ear pain, and more


🔎 Dr. Susan Armijo-Olivo’s resources of information: 



📲 Dr. Susan Armijo-Olivo’s contact information: 

💻LinkedIn: Susan Armijo-Olivo

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