104 - Profit, Perils, and Peer Review Publishing with Dr. Chad Cook

May 23, 2023

💭 “ Publishing companies' profit margins are over 36%, which is a greater profit margin than Apple, Google, and Amazon. They make somewhere between $100 billion to $200 billion a year in profits. I don't think they will change their model.” - Dr. Chad Cook

👉🏻 Our guest is Dr. Chad E. Cook PT, PhD, MBA, FAPTA. Dr. Cook is a clinical researcher, physical therapist, and professional advocate known for his clinical care excellence and service. Chad is a professor at Duke University, where his primary appointment is in the Department of Orthopaedics; he has secondary appointments in the Department of Population Health Sciences and the Duke Clinical Research Institute. He is part of over 11 million dollars in external funding and is a prolific researcher with over 340 publications.

📚You will learn about:

▪️ Chad's story and career

▪️ The process of publishing a paper

▪️ How much authors have to pay to publish

▪️ How much a publishing company makes

▪️ What predatory journals are 

▪️ The future for publishing

▪️ Advice to clinicians who are starting their careers

▪️ How to become successful in Physical Therapy


🔎Chad's favorite resource of information:

  • Pubmed
  • Podcasts (Wall Street Journal, The Economist)


📲 Chad's contact information:

  • Twitter: @chadcookpt 
  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=chad+e.+cook

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