119 - Modic Changes with the "The Queen of Modic"- Dr. Hanne Albert

Oct 26, 2023

💭 “We only give antibiotics to a very small, very specific group of patients, and we have a success rate of 92%.” - Dr. Hanne Albert

👉🏻 Our guest is Dr. Hanne Albert, PT, MPH, PhD. She has worked as a full-time researcher since 2000, initially as an Associate Professor at the Back Research Center in Ringe and Middelfart, University of Southern Denmark. Since 2013, she has been the medical director at The Modic Clinic combining clinical work with being a senior researcher. Her main interest is clinical research. The first studies focused on Pelvis girdle pain, and she is one of the authors of The European Guidelines of Pelvic girdle pain. Later her interest turned to lumbar disc herniation and Modic changes. She has done new and groundbreaking research regarding the pathogenesis of Modic changes. She was the first researcher to suggest that Modic changes could be caused by bacteria, and was the first researcher to show the high efficacy of antibiotic treatment of Modic changes, this knowledge was completely groundbreaking. Hanne Albert has published more than 60 peer-reviewed research publications. She is an editor of European Spine, and a reviewer of several International Journals amongst these, The Lancet. She travels the world extensively lecturing and is a highly respected keynote speaker at international conferences. 

Prizes: The Danish Physiotherapists Research Award for; original and innovative research with immediate clinical relevance. The Columna price from The Danish Society for Musculoskeletal Medicine. The award for best scientific presentation, European Spine Society and latest the prestigious The German Pain Price.  For more details click here.


📚You will learn about:

▪️ Hanne's story and career

▪️ What Modic Changes are

▪️ Its types/classifications

▪️ Potential causes

▪️ How to diagnose it

▪️ Common symptoms associated with Modic Changes

▪️ Advice to clinicians who are starting their careers

▪️ Tips on how to become successful in Physical Therapy


🔎Hanne's favorite resource of information:


📲 Hanne's contact information:


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