34- Spine stress fracture in Cricket with Dayle Shackel

Oct 21, 2022

💭”The more bone marrow edema you have, the more risk there is that you are going to develop asymptomatic stress fracture. This is based on doing serial monitoring of asymptomatic bowlers” - Dayle Shackel


👉🏻 Our guest is Dayle Shackel, PT. Dayle works for New Zealand Cricket (NZC) as the Medical Manager and High-Performance physiotherapist where he manages the contracted group of Domestic and International team physiotherapists helps to manage long term injured athletes for contracted players and provides physiotherapy services to NZC teams. Dayle has a special interest in lumbar spine stress fractures related to bowlers in cricket with regard to diagnosis and rehabilitation both conservatively and post-operatively. He has worked alongside Mr. Graeme Inglis and Mr. Rowan Schouten (orthopedic surgeons)  who have been at the forefront of diagnosis and surgical intervention for the management of lumbar stress fractures in NZ including recent research in the use of MRI to review bone marrow edema rates in asymptomatic Domestic fast bowlers in NZ.


📚What will you learn:

▪️ Dayle's story and career

▪️ How it is to be in professional cricket as a PT

▪️ Most common injuries in cricket

▪️ Preventing and treating spine stress fracture

▪️Advice to clinicians that are starting their careers

▪️ How to become successful in Physical Therapy


🔎Dayle's favorite resource of information:

  1. Researches 
  2. Mcgill, S. Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance. 2004 
  3.  Brukner, P. Bennell, K. Matheson, G. Stress Fractures. 1999 
  4. https://www.jimcollins.com/books.html 
  5. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alex-Kountouris 
  6. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Patrick-Farhart-2 
  7. https://www.johnorchard.com/journal-publications.html 

📲Dayle`s contact information:

E-mail: [email protected]

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dayle-shackel-48588626/

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