72- Directional Preference of the Extremity with Dr. Joseph R. Maccio
Dec 14, 2022💭 ”This study found about 90% of people`s inverse relationship to the mechanical stress was with the opposite movement. ” - Dr. Joseph R. Maccio
👉🏻 Our guest is Joseph R. Maccio DPT, dip. MDT. He is published in the application of MDT in the wrist, hip osteoarthritis, ankle, after failed anterior cervical fusion and discectomy, and lateral epicondylalgia. He has given a plat-form presentation at the McKenzie Americas Conference detailing the prevalence of directional preference at the wrist. He has also presented numerous posters at national and international MDT conferences regarding ankle, lumbar, cervical, elbow, and hip pain. He has also presented a clinical mentoring webinar for the McKenzie Institute USA on the identification of derangement and directional preference. He is the Clinical Instructor (CI) for an MDT-specific clinical rotation for doctoral physical therapy students.
📚What will you learn:
▪️ Joseph's story and career
▪️ Occurrence of MDT syndromes in patients with isolated peripheral pain or peripheral medical diagnosis
▪️Directional preference in patients classified as peripheral and spinal Derangement
▪️ Variables associated with finding directional preference in peripheral joint Derangement,
▪️ Identifying peripheral pain with spinal origin.
▪️ Advice to clinicians that are starting their careers
▪️ How to become successful in Physical Therapy
🔎Joseph's favorite resource of information:
1- https://mckenzieinstitute.org/clinicians/research-and-resources
📲Joseph’s contact information:
E-mail: [email protected]
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